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Terrestrial Connectivity and Digital Twin ready data available for the Green Deal Data Space at the IGARSS 2024
AD4GD showcased an oral presentation on terrestial connectivity based on Landsat/Sentinel Land Cover Classes as a biodiversity indicator and a poster on Digital Twin ready data for the European Green Deal Data Space.
A common approach to metadata on GeoDataCubes is being worked on by the Green Deal Data Space Sister Projects
The Sister Projects of the EuroGEO Action Group on the Green Deal Data Space launch a common action regarding metadata concepts on GeoDataCubes.
Enhancing Air Quality Monitoring with IoT and Low-Cost Sensors
Many European cities have air quality below WHO recommendations. IoT technology and low-cost sensors driven by citizen science offer a cost-effective solution to monitor air pollution.
New IoT oxygen sensors will for the first time monitor the condition of 3 Berlin lakes
The data collected will contribute to the reseach on building blocks for the Green Deal Data Space.
How does AD4GD support European climate and biodiversity policies?
May 9 is Europe Day. What better way to celebrate than by reviewing how can we support the EU’s climate and biodiversity targets. Happy Europe Day!
AD4GD and USAGE explore the connections between data spaces and digital twins in the BDTIC 2024
How are data spaces and digital twins connected? Francesca Noardo (OGC) showed this link at the BDTIC 2024.
Why are Standards Important in Horizon Europe Research Projects?
Standards surround us. Just imagine about travelling within countries using different sockets. Horizon Europe projects need to engage in standardization, let’s see why!
Perspectives for a new working group on geospatial data requirements, highlight of the 128th OGC Member Meeting
The OGC family gathered at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) for their 128th Member...
Lucy Bastin & Ivette Serral, keynote and jury at the B-Cubed innovative biodiversity hackathon
Both members of AD4GD will be headlining as keynote speaker and judge at the upcoming B-Cubed biodiversity hackathon.
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