GDDS Requirements Workshop

Green Deal Data Space Requirements Workshop

The goal of this joint workshop is to intensify ongoing collaboration between the Green Deal Data Space (GDDS) “Sister projects”, specifically focusing on the topics Metadata, Data Provision and Observable Properties. The outcomes of this event will be collected and formalized in the form of Policy Briefs on the individual topic areas, detailing requirements for the GDDS. This face-to-face workshop is hosted by FAIRiCUBE partner Natural History Museum (NHM) in Vienna, leveraging on participation at the Open-Earth-Monitor Global Workshop 2024 being held the subsequent days in Laxenburg close to Vienna.

The GDDS is one of the common European data spaces defined by the European Strategy for Data and dedicated to support the priority actions of the Green Deal in terms of sharing high value and high-quality datasets for biodiversity preservation, zero pollution, circular economy, climate change mitigation, deforestation reduction, smart mobility and environmental compliance. Industries, governments, and researchers will benefit from easy sharing of high quality, interoperable data and derived services, while data holders and providers maintain control over who and how access is provided. The GDDS will therefore be established on solid foundations of technologies, governance and trust, respecting European values and applying the principles of findability, accessibility, interoperability and reusability (FAIR). It is also a goal to interconnect currently fragmented and dispersed cross-sectorial data from diverse origins, including private, public sectors and citizen generated data.

Read more about it and check the full agenda:

Download the full program: GDDS Requirements Workshop