EGU General Assembly 2024 – Poster presentations
The EGU General Assembly 2024 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.
In this year’s edition the AD4GD project will be present through the co-organization of a workshop together with the GREAT project on the topic “Data Spaces: A trusted space to guide environmental decisions and scientific research with data”. Read more in the dedicated section.
In addition, we will be present at the EGU with two abstracts that we will present in poster format:
OGC Web APIs to Make Data Available in the Green Deal Data Space (Abstract EGU24-18047)
Joan Masó (CREAF) , Alba Brobia (CREAF) , Malte Zamzov (KWB), Ivette Serral (CREAF), Thomas Hodson (ECMWF) , Raul Palma (PSNC) , Lucy Bastin (Aston University), and Victoria Lush (Aston University).
The Green Deal Data Space is born in the big data paradigm where sensors produce constant streams of Earth observation data (remote sensing or in-situ). The traditional and manual organization of data in layers is no longer efficient as data is constantly evolving and mixed together in new ways. There is a need for a new organization of the data that favors users and in particular can be considered ready for use. The AD4GD project proposes a threefold solution: A new information model, dynamic multidimensional datacubes and OGC APIs for data query and filtering.
Data Spaces as an exploratory solution for big data biodiversity challenges in support of the Europe (Abstract EGU24-19101)
Integrity of natural ecosystems, including terrestrial ones, and their connectivity is one of the main concerns of current European and Global Green Policies. Thus, public administration managers need reliable and long-term information for a better monitoring of the ecosystems evolution and inform decision making. One of the AD4GD pilots, is focused on Ecological Terrestrial Connectivity in Catalonia (NE of Spain), in the context of its research on the co-creation of the European Green Deal Data Space.