This year the annual workshop organized by EuroGEO and the Globcal Workshop organized by OpenGeoHub Foundation took place consecutively in the Italian city of Bolzano. A small delegation of the AD4GD project flew to the Italian Tyrolean town to attend the conferences, present the project’s objectives and meet other professionals in data science and Earth observation. Both events were hosted at the wonderful facilities of Eurac Research.

The EuroGEO Workshop took place between Monday 2nd and Wednesday 4th of October. Following the program, the attendees could listen to Ivette Serral, GIS and remote sensing researcher at CREAF, during the session organized by the “Biodiversity, Ecosystems & Geodiversity Action Group”. She updated the state our biodiversity pilot case which we are developing in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona to enhace landscape connectivity. Ivette also showed a e-poster with the title “Essential Variables (EVs) as a basis for a common semantic framework to better integrate heterogeneous in-situ data sources into the Green Deal Data Space”.

The next day, our project coordinator and also researcher at CREAF, Joan Masó, co-hosted the session “Building the Green Deal Data Space in a way that contributes to GEO” with Paolo Mazzetti, researcher at the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) currently working at the GREAT project. During this session Joan Masó gave a conference on “Integrating standard nodes in the GDDS”, where he also showcased the ongoing work of the AD4GD project. You can find the full session and discussion on Youtube following this link.

Ivette Serral and Joan Masó at their sessions and e-poster presentations at the EuroGEO and OEMC Global Workshop conference. Image: Diego de la Vega.

The OEMC Global Workshop took place consecutively from the 4th to the 6th of October. During one of the parallel sessions, Joan Masó conducted a workshop with the title “Let’s co-create the Green Deal Data Space!”, co-organized with Queentin Groom from the B-Cubed project.

The workshop began with a brief introduction and review of the data space definition provided by the International Data Space Association. Then, Masó profundized on the diferent necessary components and possible ways of building the GDDS showing the vision of various actors and the challenges ahead. To conclude, a group dynamic was held in the format of a World Café. The audience was distributed in tables with a fix moderator and topic. After a while, the group moves on, but the moderator and the ideas discussed remain on the table to be added to those discussed by the next group.

You can enjoy the theoretical part of the workshop below: