Squirrel feeding in a forest. Image: Unsplash.
CREAF researcher Ivette Serral has participated in a webinar hosted by the European Environment Information and Observation Network (Eionet) that explored the biodiversity aspects of the future European Green Deal Data Space. This event continues the conversation that began last October in a previous webinar and is expected to continue in the future.
Ecological corridors, connectivity and integrity of natural systems is one the main challenges in European biodiversity policies. Ivette Serral showed how the AD4GD pilot for biodiversity is aiming to monitor ecological connectivity in terrestrial ecosystems in Catalonia. The pilot is integrating data coming from remote sensing, in situ observations, IoT sensors and citizen science considering the FAIR principles and OGC standards.
The webinar also featured Pierre Bonnet from CIRAD, who presented the work carried out in the European GUARDEN initiative; and Quentin Groom from the Meise Botanic Garden, who exposed the opportunity provided by data cubes for the challenge of providing current and relevant biodiversity information for policy development in the context of the B-Cubed project.
The Eionet is a partnership network of the European Environment Agency (EEA) integrated by around 400 environmental institutions from 38 member and cooperating countries. Their mission is to gather and develop data and knowledge and advice to policy makers about Europe’s environment.
The video recording of the webinar will be published soon on the Eionet website.